Mobile Truck Repair Service Providers in Colorado (CO)
Colossus Care | (719) 445-7162 | Akron | Colorado |
Highway Haven | (303) 747-5126 | Alamosa | Colorado |
Diesel Dynamos | (719) 749-6316 | Allenspark | Colorado |
Gearhead Garage | (303) 747-5126 | Antonito | Colorado |
Road Menders | (720) 263-6710 | Arboles | Colorado |
Rig Rehab | (303) 747-5126 | Arriba | Colorado |
Trans Am Titans | (720) 263-6710 | Arvada | Colorado |
Open Road Rescue | (719) 445-7162 | Aspen | Colorado |
Peak Haul Performance | (303) 747-5126 | Ault | Colorado |
On-Site Overhaul | (719) 749-6316 | Aurora | Colorado |
Wrench Wizards on Wheels | (303) 747-5126 | Avon | Colorado |
Mobile Mechanic Marvels | (720) 263-6710 | Avondale | Colorado |
Highway Heroes | (303) 747-5126 | Basalt | Colorado |
Road Warriors Rescue | (720) 263-6710 | Battlement Mesa | Colorado |
Trucker's Trusty Toolkit | (719) 445-7162 | Bayfield | Colorado |
Gearshift Gurus & Co. | (303) 747-5126 | Bennett | Colorado |
Diesel Doctors on Demand | (719) 749-6316 | Berthoud | Colorado |
Roadworthy Renaissance | (303) 747-5126 | Bethune | Colorado |
Haulin Helpers | (720) 263-6710 | Blanca | Colorado |
Rig Rx | (303) 747-5126 | Boone | Colorado |
Modern Truck Repair | (720) 263-6710 | Boulder | Colorado |
RoadTech Diagnostics | (719) 445-7162 | Breckenridge | Colorado |
TorqueTech Solutions | (303) 747-5126 | Brighton | Colorado |
Highway Hub & Repair | (719) 749-6316 | Broomfield | Colorado |
Mobile Masterminds on the Move | (303) 747-5126 | Brush | Colorado |
Connected Fleet Care | (720) 263-6710 | Buena Vista | Colorado |
Peak Performance Diagnostics | (303) 747-5126 | Burlington | Colorado |
Roadworthy Robotics | (720) 263-6710 | Byers | Colorado |
Engine Evolution | (719) 445-7162 | Calhan | Colorado |
Rigify Repair Network | (303) 747-5126 | Canon City | Colorado |
IntelliHaul Solutions | (719) 749-6316 | Carbondale | Colorado |
Don't Panic, We'll Fix It! | (303) 747-5126 | Castle Rock | Colorado |
The Grease Monkeys Professional truck repair | (720) 263-6710 | Cedaredge | Colorado |
Rust Busters Brigade | (303) 747-5126 | Center | Colorado |
Highway Hiccups Helpers | (720) 263-6710 | Central City | Colorado |
The Tune-Up Troubadours | (719) 445-7162 | Cheraw | Colorado |
The Wrench Wranglers | (303) 747-5126 | Cheyenne Wells | Colorado |
Don't Let Your Rig Rust! | (719) 749-6316 | Clifton | Colorado |
Diesel Dilemma Doctors | (303) 747-5126 | Coal Creek | Colorado |
Trailer Trouble Tamers | (720) 263-6710 | Collbran | Colorado |
The Gearheads Go Mobile | (303) 747-5126 | Colorado City | Colorado |
Specific semi truck repair | (720) 263-6710 | Colorado Springs | Colorado |
Illinois Truck Tamers | (719) 445-7162 | Commerce City | Colorado |
Golden Gate Gearheads | (303) 747-5126 | Cortez | Colorado |
Big Apple Breakdown Busters | (719) 749-6316 | Craig | Colorado |
Windy City Wrenchers | (303) 747-5126 | Crawford | Colorado |
Lone Star Rig Rescue | (720) 263-6710 | Creede | Colorado |
Mountain High Mechanics | (303) 747-5126 | Crested Butte | Colorado |
Sunshine State Semi Savers | (720) 263-6710 | Cripple Creek | Colorado |
Rust Belt Rig Rejuvenators Truck Repair | (719) 445-7162 | Dacono | Colorado |
Northwest Nitro Network | (303) 747-5126 | De Beque | Colorado |
Pacific Coast Overhaul Experts | (719) 749-6316 | Deer Trail | Colorado |
Unique Truck Services | (303) 747-5126 | Del Norte | Colorado |
24/7 Roadside Relief | (720) 263-6710 | Delta | Colorado |
Mobile Emergency Diesel Solutions | (303) 747-5126 | Denver | Colorado |
Trailer Repair Specialists | (720) 263-6710 | Dillon | Colorado |
Fleet Maintenance Masters | (719) 445-7162 | Dinosaur | Colorado |
Performance Upgrade Professionals | (303) 747-5126 | Dolores | Colorado |
Green Haulers Eco Repair | (719) 749-6316 | Dove Creek | Colorado |
Certified Collision Correction | (303) 747-5126 | Durango | Colorado |
Engine Diagnostics Detectives | (720) 263-6710 | Eads | Colorado |
Transmission Tune-Up Team | (303) 747-5126 | Eagle | Colorado |
Fuel Efficiency Experts | (720) 263-6710 | Eaton | Colorado |
Combined truck and trailer repair | (719) 445-7162 | Eckley | Colorado |
Gearhead Gurus & Go Truck Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Edwards | Colorado |
The Cool Fixers Reefer Services | (719) 749-6316 | Eldorado Springs | Colorado |
Frost Fighters Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Elizabeth | Colorado |
TempTech Diagnostics Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Empire | Colorado |
On-Route Reefer Revival Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Englewood | Colorado |
Chilling Out Solutions Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Erie | Colorado |
Guaranteed Frozen Cargo Reefer Services | (719) 445-7162 | Estes Park | Colorado |
Polar Express Repair Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Evans | Colorado |
Arctic Armor Specialists Reefer Services | (719) 749-6316 | Evergreen | Colorado |
Reefer Rx Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Fairplay | Colorado |
Mobile Arctic Medics Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Firestone | Colorado |
The Chill Zone Repair Hub Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Flagler | Colorado |
Coast to Coast Reefer Care Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Fleming | Colorado |
Precision Temp Specialists Reefer Services | (719) 445-7162 | Florence | Colorado |
24/7 Reefer Roadside Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Fort Collins | Colorado |
The Reefer Renegades Reefer Services | (719) 749-6316 | Fort Garland | Colorado |
Frozen Fleet Fixers Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Fort Lupton | Colorado |
Ice Cap Crusaders Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Fort Morgan | Colorado |
Temperature Titans Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Fountain | Colorado |
Reefer Revival Revolution Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Fowler | Colorado |
Chiller Champions Reefer Services | (719) 445-7162 | Fraser | Colorado |
The Reefer Wranglers Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Frederick | Colorado |
The Cool Crew Reefer Services | (719) 749-6316 | Frisco | Colorado |
Arctic Advantage Repair Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Fruita | Colorado |
Guaranteed Cold Chain Care Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Genoa | Colorado |
The On-Demand Reefer Rescue Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Georgetown | Colorado |
Precision Reefer Diagnostics & Repair Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Gilcrest | Colorado |
The Sub-Zero Specialists Reefer Services | (719) 445-7162 | Glenwood Springs | Colorado |
Reefer Revival on Wheels Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Golden | Colorado |
The Route 66 Reefer Rangers Reefer Services | (719) 749-6316 | Granada | Colorado |
Guaranteed Produce Protection Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Granby | Colorado |
Reefer Tech Experts Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Grand Junction | Colorado |
The Cool Hand Technicians Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Grand Lake | Colorado |
Ice Age Reefer Repair Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Greeley | Colorado |
Polar Express Maintenance Reefer Services | (719) 445-7162 | Green Mountain Falls | Colorado |
Always Chill Reefer Service Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Gunnison | Colorado |
The Reefer Wranglers Network Reefer Services | (719) 749-6316 | Gypsum | Colorado |
TempTech Diagnostics on Demand Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Haxtun | Colorado |
The Cold Chain Commandos Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Hayden | Colorado |
Reefer Revival Revolution Nationwide Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Hillrose | Colorado |
Arctic Arrow Reefer Repair Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Holly | Colorado |
The Sub-Zero Specialists Network Reefer Services | (719) 445-7162 | Holyoke | Colorado |
Guaranteed Frozen Delivery Solutions Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Hot Sulphur Springs | Colorado |
Precision Reefer Care Reefer Services | (719) 749-6316 | Hotchkiss | Colorado |
On-Route Reefer Revival Experts Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Hudson | Colorado |
Guaranteed Freshness Care Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Hugo | Colorado |
The Reefer Renegades Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Idaho Springs | Colorado |
Ice Age Reefer Maintenance Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Ignacio | Colorado |
Polar Express Reefer Network Reefer Services | (719) 445-7162 | Iliff | Colorado |
Always On Chill Reefer Service Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Indian Hills | Colorado |
On-Site Reefer Services | (719) 749-6316 | Jamestown | Colorado |
Precision Reefer Diagnostics & Repair Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Johnstown | Colorado |
The Sub-Zero Specialists Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Julesburg | Colorado |
Reefer Revival on Wheels Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Keenesburg | Colorado |
My Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Kersey | Colorado |
The Route 66 Reefer Rangers Reefer Services | (719) 445-7162 | Kiowa | Colorado |
Guaranteed Produce Protection Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Kit Carson | Colorado |
Reefer Tech Experts Reefer Services | (719) 749-6316 | Kittredge | Colorado |
The Cool Hand Technicians Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Kremmling | Colorado |
Themo King Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | La Jara | Colorado |
Ice Age Reefer Repair Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | La Junta | Colorado |
Carrier Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | La Salle | Colorado |
Polar Express Maintenance Reefer Services | (719) 445-7162 | La Veta | Colorado |
National Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Lafayette | Colorado |
Always Chill Reefer Service Reefer Services | (719) 749-6316 | Lake City | Colorado |
STK Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Lamar | Colorado |
The Reefer Wranglers Network Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Laporte | Colorado |
Brown Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Larkspur | Colorado |
TempTech Diagnostics on Demand Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Las Animas | Colorado |
Trump Reefer Services | (719) 445-7162 | Leadville | Colorado |
The Cold Chain Commandos Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Limon | Colorado |
Ice Reefer Services | (719) 749-6316 | Littleton | Colorado |
Reefer Revival Revolution Nationwide Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Log Lane Village | Colorado |
Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Longmont | Colorado |
Arctic Arrow Reefer Repair Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Louisville | Colorado |
Mount Everest Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Louviers | Colorado |
The Sub-Zero Specialists Network Reefer Services | (719) 445-7162 | Loveland | Colorado |
Colder Goods Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Lyons | Colorado |
Guaranteed Frozen Delivery Solutions Reefer Services | (719) 749-6316 | Manassa | Colorado |
Mobile Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Mancos | Colorado |
Precision Reefer Care Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Manitou Springs | Colorado |
Low Tempatures Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Manzanola | Colorado |
On-Route Reefer Revival Experts Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Mead | Colorado |
Deve Reefer Services | (719) 445-7162 | Meeker | Colorado |
Guaranteed Freshness Care Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Merino | Colorado |
Sea Frozen Reefer Services | (719) 749-6316 | Milliken | Colorado |
The Reefer Renegades Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Minturn | Colorado |
Love Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Monte Vista | Colorado |
Ice Age Reefer Maintenance Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Monument | Colorado |
Ice Cold Reefer Services | (720) 263-6710 | Morrison | Colorado |
Polar Express Reefer Network Reefer Services | (719) 445-7162 | Naturita | Colorado |
Breadown Reefer Services | (303) 747-5126 | Nederland | Colorado |
Always On Chill Reefer Service Reefer Services | (719) 749-6316 | New Castle | Colorado |
K.I.T. Mobile Truck Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Niwot | Colorado |
K & J of Nebraska | (720) 263-6710 | Norwood | Colorado |
Katmai Mobile Truck Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Nucla | Colorado |
KC Mobile Truck Repair | (720) 263-6710 | Nunn | Colorado |
Keith Wright Mobile Truck Repair | (719) 445-7162 | Oak Creek | Colorado |
Kelly Truck Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Olathe | Colorado |
Key Axle Repair Systems | (719) 749-6316 | Olney Springs | Colorado |
Kim Wake Mobile Truck Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Ordway | Colorado |
Klug Diesel Truck Repair | (720) 263-6710 | Otis | Colorado |
Korsmo Brothers | (303) 747-5126 | Ouray | Colorado |
Kustom Karriers | (720) 263-6710 | Ovid | Colorado |
L&S Truck Services | (719) 445-7162 | Pagosa Springs | Colorado |
Lakeside Warehouse | (303) 747-5126 | Palisade | Colorado |
Larry Vititow Mobile Truck Repair | (719) 749-6316 | Palmer Lake | Colorado |
Legend Truck Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Paonia | Colorado |
Leonardo Truck Lines | (720) 263-6710 | Parachute | Colorado |
Lepley Truck Tire Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Parker | Colorado |
Lew Thompson Mobile Truck Repair | (720) 263-6710 | Peetz | Colorado |
Lon Arends Mobile Truck Repair | (719) 445-7162 | Penrose | Colorado |
Linder's | (303) 747-5126 | Pierce | Colorado |
Lucia Specialized Axle Repair | (719) 749-6316 | Platteville | Colorado |
M&J Cartage | (303) 747-5126 | Poncha Springs | Colorado |
Mac-Ran Enterprises | (720) 263-6710 | Pueblo | Colorado |
Marietta Truck Towing & Recovery | (303) 747-5126 | Rangely | Colorado |
Master Carrier Transicold Reefer Repair | (720) 263-6710 | Red Cliff | Colorado |
McCord Mobile Truck Repair | (719) 445-7162 | Red Feather Lakes | Colorado |
McDaniel Diesel Truck Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Rico | Colorado |
Mel's Mobile Truck Repair | (719) 749-6316 | Ridgway | Colorado |
Melin Truck Service | (303) 747-5126 | Rifle | Colorado |
Metro Drayage | (720) 263-6710 | Rockvale | Colorado |
Michigan Truck Tire Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Rocky Ford | Colorado |
Midwest Centerline | (720) 263-6710 | Romeo | Colorado |
Midwest Diesel Truck Repair | (719) 445-7162 | Rye | Colorado |
Midwest Truck Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Saguache | Colorado |
MGR | (719) 749-6316 | Salida | Colorado |
Molnar Heavy Towing & Recovery | (303) 747-5126 | San Luis | Colorado |
Moore Truck Repair | (720) 263-6710 | Sanford | Colorado |
Morrison Axle Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Sedalia | Colorado |
Motor City Mobile Truck Repair | (720) 263-6710 | Severance | Colorado |
Mugridge Mobile Truck Repair | (719) 445-7162 | Silt | Colorado |
National Diesel Mechanics | (303) 747-5126 | Silver Plume | Colorado |
National Axle Repair Service | (719) 749-6316 | Silverthorne | Colorado |
Neverland Truck Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Silverton | Colorado |
NJH Mobile Truck Repair | (720) 263-6710 | Simla | Colorado |
Nova Towing & Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Snowmass Village | Colorado |
Olinger Diesel Truck Repair | (720) 263-6710 | South Fork | Colorado |
Olthuis Truck Repair | (719) 445-7162 | Springfield | Colorado |
Paige Interstate Mobile Truck Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Steamboat Springs | Colorado |
Pennsylvania Delivery | (719) 749-6316 | Sterling | Colorado |
Performance Axle Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Strasburg | Colorado |
Piepho Moving & Storage | (720) 263-6710 | Stratton | Colorado |
PJ Mobile Truck Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Sugar City | Colorado |
Platinum Thermoking Reefer Repair | (720) 263-6710 | Swink | Colorado |
Platte Valley Diesel Truck Repair | (719) 445-7162 | Telluride | Colorado |
Plucker Mobile Truck Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Thornton | Colorado |
Plumbley Mobile Truck Repair | (719) 749-6316 | Timnath | Colorado |
Prestera Mobile Truck Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Towaoc | Colorado |
Pyle Truck Line | (720) 263-6710 | Trinidad | Colorado |
R&C Diesel Truck Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Vail | Colorado |
R&F Mobile Truck Repair | (720) 263-6710 | Victor | Colorado |
R&R Mobile Truck Repair | (719) 445-7162 | Walden | Colorado |
RB&G | (303) 747-5126 | Walsenburg | Colorado |
RCP Group | (719) 749-6316 | Walsh | Colorado |
R.E. Billings Diesel Truck Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Wellington | Colorado |
Rabbit Blues Mobile Truck Repair | (720) 263-6710 | Westcliffe | Colorado |
RAD Diesel Truck Repair, Inc. | (303) 747-5126 | Westminster | Colorado |
Rainbow Truck Repair | (720) 263-6710 | Wheat Ridge | Colorado |
Reaction Services | (719) 445-7162 | Wiggins | Colorado |
Reliable Axle Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Wiley | Colorado |
Revolution Carrier Corp | (719) 749-6316 | Windsor | Colorado |
Riverside Diesel Truck Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Winter Park | Colorado |
Rockin H Truck Repair | (720) 263-6710 | Woodland Park | Colorado |
Ron Schoellerman Mobile Truck Repair | (303) 747-5126 | Wray | Colorado |
Rose City Mobile Truck Repair | (720) 263-6710 | Yampa | Colorado |
Rushmore Cartage | (719) 445-7162 | Yuma | Colorado |
Stuck on the side of the road in Colorado? 🆘
Don't sweat it! Our mobile semi-truck and trailer repair services in Colorado have you covered. We offer 24/7 roadside assistance for all your truck and trailer needs, from brakes and tires to engines and electrical. Whether you're a local fleet or just passing through, we'll get you back on the road fast and affordably.
Call now for:
- Quick response times: Minimize downtime and get back on schedule.
- Expert technicians: Certified and experienced to handle any repair.
- Wide range of services: From minor fixes to major overhauls.
- Mobile convenience: We come to you, wherever you are in Colorado.
- 24/7 availability: We're here for you, day or night.
Keep your trucks rolling with our reliable mobile repair services. Contact us today!
P.S. Looking for specific services like reefer trailer repair or heavy-duty towing? We offer those too! Just give us a call.
Note: You can modify this description to include additional details specific to your business, such as your service area, specializations, or unique offerings.
Core Services:
- Semi-Truck Repair: Overhaul and repair of various semi-truck components like engines, transmissions, differentials, brakes, electrical systems, etc.
- Trailer Repair Services: Repairs for trailers of all types, including dry vans, reefers, flatbeds, tankers, etc., covering brakes, suspension, electrical systems, doors, and more.
- Heavy Duty Towing and Recovery: 24/7 breakdown assistance and towing for stranded semi-trucks and trailers, including winching and specialized recovery services.
- Truck and Trailer Commercial Tires Repair: Installation, repair, and maintenance of commercial truck and trailer tires, including balancing, alignment, and roadside assistance.
- Mobile Diesel Mechanic Services: On-site repair and maintenance services for semi-trucks and trailers directly at your location, minimizing downtime.
Specialized Services:
- Reefer Trailer Repair: Specialized repair and maintenance services for refrigerated trailers, including Thermoking and Carrier reefer units, temperature control systems, and electrical components.
- Axle and Spindle Repair and Replacement: Repair or replacement of worn-out axles, spindles, and bearings for optimal truck performance and safety.
- Mobile Welding for Commercial Trucks: On-site welding services for frame repairs, cracked components, and other metal modifications.
- Body Repair for Semi Trucks and Trailers: Repair and restoration of damaged truck and trailer bodies, including fiberglass repair, painting, and collision repair.
- Computer Diagnostics and ECM Programming: Advanced diagnostics using specialized tools to identify and troubleshoot electronic issues in modern trucks.
- DPF Filters and Forced Regeneration: Cleaning, regeneration, and replacement of diesel particulate filters (DPFs) to meet emission standards.
- Engine Repair: Overhaul and repair of various diesel engines used in semi-trucks, including diagnostics, component replacement, and performance optimization.
- Windshield Replacement: Quick and professional replacement of damaged windshields for improved driver visibility and safety.
- Transmission Repair: Diagnosis and repair of automatic and manual transmissions for semi-trucks, ensuring smooth gear changes and optimal performance.
- Turbo Replacement for Semi Trucks: Replacement of worn-out or damaged turbochargers to restore engine power and efficiency.
Interstate Highways:
I-70: This east-west interstate highway runs across the entire state of Colorado, from Denver to the Utah border. It is a major route for travel and commerce, connecting major cities like Denver, Aurora, Grand Junction, and Vail.
I-76: This east-west interstate highway runs from Denver to the Nebraska border. It is a shorter route than I-70, but it also connects major cities like Denver, Brighton, and Fort Morgan.
I-25: This north-south interstate highway runs from the New Mexico border to the Wyoming border. It is a major route for travel and commerce, connecting major cities like Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, and Fort Collins.
I-80S: This east-west interstate highway runs from the Nebraska border to the Wyoming border. It is a shorter route than I-80, but it also connects major cities like Denver and Sterling.
I-225: This spur route of I-70 connects Denver and Aurora. It is a shorter route, but it is heavily used by commuters and travelers going to and from Denver International Airport.
U.S. Highways:
There are 20 U.S. Highways in Colorado. You can find a complete list with descriptions on Wikipedia:
State Highways:
Colorado does not use a numbering convention for its state highways. Instead, they are designated by a "CO" prefix followed by three digits. There are over 400 state highways in Colorado, and finding a complete list can be challenging. However, here are some resources that might be helpful:
- Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Interactive Map: This map allows you to zoom in and see the different highways throughout the state:
- Wikipedia: While not exhaustive, Wikipedia provides a list of some major state highways in Colorado:
Remember, these are just some resources to get you started. Exploring the Colorado Department of Transportation website or contacting them directly might offer the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on all Colorado highways.